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Looking back at Debian Project's presence at RMLL 2012

From 7th to 12th July of this year the yearly Libre Software Meeting, better known by its French name Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL), took place in the Swiss town of Geneva. During the finest summer weather various exhibitors presented different aspects of Free Software. The conference offered a large schedule with lectures on different topics. A great number of lectures and workshops dealt with the Puppet Computer Administration System. Also, there was a extensive frame program, such as jam sessions, visits to CERN, barbecues in the evenings and a substantial Free Software Dinner on the next-to-last evening. Besides, there was enough time for city tours or eating out in smaller or larger groups.

The Debian Project contributed with a booth and 3 lectures (see also the report by Andreas Tille). At the booth, T-shirts, umbrellas, Swiss army knives and other goodies could be purchased. Also, the booth was a meeting point for fans and contributors of Debian, a place to talk computer issues and to socialize between conference attendees.

Thanks to all who kept track before, during and after the conference: Luca Capello, Raphaël Walther, Marc Schaefer, Arne Wichmann, Axel Beckert and Andreas Tille. Special thanks go to Marc "Duck" Dequènes, Stéphane Glondu and Pierre-Louis "Pilou" Bonicoli, who helped out at the booth from Sunday on (and thus helped avoid a great language barrier) as well as Michael Scherer for general help, Gabriel Thullen for helping with the transport of the booth equipment on the first conference day and the whole RMLL team for organizing a outstanding conference.

There are some photographs by Duck and at the Facebook page of the event.

Last update: 25.08.2012